Pizza & Cannolo Making in Taormina by the Sea


Pizza & Cannolo Making in Taormina by the Sea

Sea view

Taormina - Naxos Mare

4 Hours
italiano, english
20 max
Children (min 18 max 18 years)

Cancellation Policy
Free cancellation until 24 Hours
Read the conditions

Insieme alla "Famiglia Siciliano" apprenderete l’arte della Pizza e del Cannolo siciliano.Insieme al figlio Mimmo imparerete la tecnica della preparazione, decorazione e cottura delle pizze della tradizione siciliana.

What's better than a cooking class to learn how to prepare Sicilian Pizza and Cannoli just a few steps from the Sea of ​​Taormina and Naxos?

Together with the "Family Siciliano" you will learn to use fresh and local ingredients, which enhance the flavor of each dish, and make Italy and Sicily famous throughout the world.

With Chef Mimmo you will learn the art of preparing Pizza and typical "Bruschetta" with local products: Pachino cherry tomatoes, basil, oregano and olive oil.

With the father Siciliano, a great local pastry Chef, you will create the famous Cannoli, learning the secrets of preparing the perfect wafer and cream that make Cannoli the most famous Sicilian dessert in the world.

Furthermore, you will learn how to make "Angel Wings", typical traditional sweets which in Sicilian are called "Chiacchiere", and which are popular sweets of the Carnival period.

And then everyone to the table, facing the Mediterranean Sea, to enjoy your creations accompanied by a tasting of Limoncello.


  • Bruschetta with typical Sicilian condiments;
  • Sicilian Pizzas with different toppings;
  • Traditional Sicilian Cannoli;
  • Angel Wings called “Chiacchiere” in Sicily;
  • Limoncello tasting.

What To Expect

Appointment in Taormina, Piazza San Antonio Abate (Arch of “Porta Catania”) at 06:00 pm. Transfer to the sea (included in the price), to "Ahoy Bistró Siciliano". Together with Chef Mimmo you will prepare the dough for the Pizza and the wholemeal flour dough for the bread. While waiting for the Pizza dough to rise, you will have fun preparing the typical "Sicilian Bruschette". With the father Siciliano, a great local pastry chef, you will learn the art of preparing Cannolo, the typical Sicilian dessert. You will learn how to prepare the crispy wafer, kneading with your hands and frying the dough in the particular shape. You will also learn how to prepare the traditional cream to fill the Cannoli. When the Pizza dough has risen, you will roll out the dough, choose the toppings and personally bake the Pizza in the oven. In addition to Pizza and Cannoli, the pastry Chef will teach you how to make the typical "Angel Wings" biscuits which in Sicily are called "Chiacchiere" and which are popular of the Carnival period.

And then you can sit with the view of the Mediterranean Sea, enjoying your Sicilian Pizza and Cannolo creations with a glass of Limoncello to make your holiday original and unforgettable. At the end customers will be taken back to the center of Taormina.

  • Cena
  • Cena (incluso pizza, bruschette, cannoli acqua e bevande analcoliche)
  • Lezione con il pizzaiolo
  • Lezione con il pasticcere
  • Certificato di partecipazione
  • Tutte le tasse e spese
  • Trasporto privato
  • Grembiule per la preparazione dei cibi


Extra drink alcolici


All classes, and any other activities that are part of the services offered, are organized and conducted by Vergaia Srls, with registered office in Salita Santippo, Taormina (ME), Italy. Courses and lessons usually last about 4 hours. The menu changes according to the season and the availability of ingredients. Group courses must have a minimum of three participants; private courses can be booked regardless of the number of people. Our classes are held exclusively by chef Mimmo Siciliano. Other guest chefs may occasionally lead our classes or special programs.


Withdrawal must be made in writing by sending an email to, with the name and surname of the person booking and the booking number.


You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before the experience to obtain a full refund.
To obtain a full refund, you must cancel your reservation at least 24 hours before the start time of the experience.
If you do not cancel your reservation within 24 hours before the start time of the experience, the amount paid will not be refunded.
Changes made less than 24 hours before the start time of the experience will not be accepted.
The time limit refers to the local time of the experience.

Vergaia Srls provides the participant with the kitchen equipment, ingredients, materials and teaching materials in general, for which it assumes responsibility.
The participant will use such material exclusively for the purposes of the course and the objectives of the class; in any case, the student will use the kitchen and the teaching materials with reasonable care and diligence and will do so exclusively for the intended purposes. The member also undertakes to respect the Chef's instructions in the use of the materials and to comply with all the usual rules of conduct during the courses towards himself and others; with regard to the equipment that the Company makes available, the member exempts the Company from any liability for any damage to persons or property. The Company therefore assumes no liability for any damage that the member may cause to himself or to third parties due to such materials (for example, knives, pots, heat and boiling water).
The teaching material will be provided according to the needs and discretion of the instructor and the actual needs. The teaching material, ingredients and other materials are included in the registration fee. The participant is responsible for his property and personal effects brought into the premises during the lessons, and the Company has no responsibility or obligation for custody.
Upon registration, the participant declares, under his own responsibility, to be in a health condition suitable to participate in the activities planned by the cooking courses organized by the Company, having received all the necessary information on the specific risks, operating procedures and evacuation procedures; always at the time of registration, the participant exonerates and releases the Company from any responsibility for problems caused by allergies or food intolerances not declared in writing at the time of booking in "SPECIAL REQUESTS", whether due to ingestion or contact.

Mimmo Siciliano è lo Chef locale del "Ahoy Bistró Siciliano" da anni dedito alla professione con passione. Agli ospiti viene proposta la cucina tradizionale siciliana, con prodotti che provengono dal territorio, pesce soprattutto, ma anche carne e verdure, che vanno a comporre piatti squisiti. Ti farà scoprire la Sicilia nei suoi sapori unici, dai pomodorini di Pachino, al pistacchio di Bronte sito alle pendici del vulcano Etna, deliziandoti col profumo delle melanzane mentre preparate un piatto di pasta alla norma, e ti farà scoprire i sapori del nostro mare attraverso il pesce fresco preso al mercato locale, e insaporito di spezie come i capperi delle Isole Eolie e le olive nate dalla fertile terra vulcanica.

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Service Provider Name
Mulinciana cooking class By chef Mimm
Telephone: 00393335793001
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